Company Caring for Crundwell’s Horses Wants to get Paid

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BELOIT (WIFR) — A company that’s caring for some of Former Dixon Comptroller Rita Crundwell’s horses on her ranch in Beloit wants to be reimbursed for its troubles.

And that means it wants to stop a federal court from selling the animals. Purrcott Company says it has spent at least $150,000 boarding, training and caring for 60 horses.

Purrcott has intervened in the civil lawsuit against Crundwell to get its money back.

7 thoughts on “Company Caring for Crundwell’s Horses Wants to get Paid

  1. Thats pretty funny if you ask me that O’l Purcott wants money, Because if you ask me they should be right along side with Rita. They knew as well what rita was doing. Along with Jim too. Who ran the Meri-J Ranch? Jim! Who was with Rita? Jim! Where did Jim live? On the Meri-J Ranch. So who do you think really piggy backed off Rita’s GREED? Purrcott thats WHO!!! Those two NERDY DORKS knew what was goin on too!!! They’re just as GUILTY!!!

  2. The company’s name is Percott not “Purrcott”. Percott has been maintained separately from Rita’s formal operations for years. They have probably have a legitimate claim. And, can somebody please tell me when we in America stopped believing in the presumption of innocence until PROVEN guilty in a Court of Law by a Jury of our peers!

  3. The FBI sat and watched her steal 3.4 mil when they could have stopped her at about $400,000 now the city will be lucky to get 10 to 15 cents on the dollar of the 3.4 mil . One count of wire froud she might see 5 years in prison I realize they don’t want her in prison they want restitution which the city will never see anyway. Yes that city officails are to blame also , the Banker , the city Attorney of Dixon the Audit firms. I thought the FBI could have saved the the city of Dixon at least three mil if they were swift to act this was not rocket science .

  4. “And, can somebody please tell me when we in America stopped believing in the presumption of innocence until PROVEN guilty in a Court of Law by a Jury of our peers!” Oh Please. There is no logical explanation on how $53 got into her bank account…unless she secretly hit the lotto. I too believe in most cases that everyone has the right to a jury and fair hearing but in this case..Rita is guilty. Sad for the City of Dixon. Sad for all of those people that worked so hard to get to the AQHA World Show and was beat with stolen funds.

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